It is I: The Wizard of all Time!

A magnificent drawing from MediKit (Can't get ahold of them, deleted their discord and can't find them properly anywhere ! _!)

Hiya peeps! It's the Hexxer here, coming at ya again making a description!

So this part is all about me now, the one behind the code. I have all the interesting facts! Facts that you wouldn't believe are interesting (strictly because they're not lmao)

Little general info:

I'm 24 y/o (born in 1999 babyyyyyyyy)
Live in Wales (ac yndw, dwi'n gallu siarad Cymraeg)
I crossdress sometimes.

It's pretty alright living in the UK. Political system's very dumb, but where isn't? Would be better if I lived up in Scotland or somewhere a bit more progressive. And just so you peeps are aware: Scotland is way more progressive then the rest of the UK, it's actually pretty cool. If they ever go independant, I will be moving up there before moving to another country; very likely they'll be joining the EU, according to the Brexit map.

In creative endevours... I literally just started up again thanks to this website lol. Art I did sometimes, and I still have a trove of poems - some will be posted onto this website, don't worry. Hopefully work doesn't eat into my creativity again (I work in retail lel)

Soooo... hobbies??

I play games! Mostly with friends and online, but these are my go-to's:

I used to play a lot of Boring Man (still my most played game on steam lol), that's where that art piece came from - a community member made it for me. Will never forget that game, especially since that's where my username Ticky_the_Hex comes from. Good times.

I have a bike, but I don't use it that much outside of commuting; I don't want an electric though, prefer the exercise from a regular one.

I listen to a hell heap of a lot of music. I do like many genres. but I tend to listen to peeps like Snail's House (Aparently was in the top 0.1% of listeners last year, according to yt music lol), Moe Shop, Andorra, and stuff like that. I'm the type to have way too many playlists, but a normal amount of songs in each one: got all sorts to fit my mood! Even have a pride playlist lmao

In late Spring/Summer I like to go for walks and all sorts while it's nice and warm. There's plenty of great places to walk around here. Maybe one day I'll cycle to a village near me and walk up one of the many mountains: that would be pretty cool. That time of year is also when I do most of my crossdressing lol