Hello fellow peeps!

Welcome to the website! This whole page is the about section for why I'm making this whole mess of a thing. No wizard joke talk stuff here, just the whole reason as to why I'm making one.

What was my motivation?

Well unlike a lot of peeps on here, I wasn't on the internet when web1.0 was at it's peak: heck, I didn't know there were names for the different eras of the internet like this (I just went with old internet and modern lmao). I had dial-up internet when I was about 10 years old, but what would a 10 y/o do on the internet in 2010? I wanted to watch youtube and play flash games, not... surf on the web. Honestly speaking, I legit thought "surfing the web" was just another term for googling and such, just an old term we collectively stopped using.

Of course I had internet at school, but I mainly only used it for school work or games (in secondary school (yes, I'm a brit lol) I did watch yt as well), but I only really got online properly around 13/14 (just add the digits 20 in front of my age to get the year lol), which was the time I got my smartphone and started watching yt fully and properly.

So as a fully entrenched web2.0 user, why am I here? Well 2 reasons:

  1. I kinda always wanted to learn code, and this is super useful, being able to make my own website with my own art
  2. I watched a LoveWeb episode

Don't get me wrong, being able to work on art and being creative is amazingly cool (I legit forgot the feeling of doing stuff like this lel), but I do agree that the internet is so full of corporations wanting to make all the money, and the internet I know so well is full of... well... greed and pride. Even YouTubers can get swept into the money making machine.

So why go backwards in time?

Well... I wanted to experience the web1.0 experience thanks to that LoveWeb episode (I love internet history lel), and gosh darn do you guys deliver. I literally spent 3 hours looking at random websites because everything is just so cool. Minimalism is a choice here, creativity reigns supreeme. I can't experience all the fun of web1.0, but I can come close to it. Every person is special here, no matter if you're making websites or not. Just being here is cool and amazing.

Is this website all just you?

Well the majority is. I'm hoping to add more people onto here in the future, as a way for all of us to express ourselves, but I - Ticky_the_Hex (That's where Hexxer and the theme of the website comes from btw: just a play on my name lol)- will be in the code, formatting everything; so don't worry, I'll always be here. You'll know who's writting anyways since I'll be adding their usernames on the bottom of the page like so:
Unless they have their own category, in which case it'll be stated on the category landing page, or if it's me, in which case I won't be adding anything.

So I hope you have some fun here!

Updates every whenever